
Information security policy

Basic principles

Rimo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") operates under the philosophy of "Creating a Future with Work". Within our business, information assets, including customer information, are extremely important as the foundation for our management. Recognizing the importance of protecting information assets from risks such as leakage, damage, and loss, those involved in handling information assets, including executives and employees, will comply with this policy and practice activities to maintain information security, such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.

Basic policy

  1. In order to protect the information assets entrusted by customers and those held by our company, we have established an information security policy as well as related regulations and conduct our business in accordance with them. We also comply with laws, regulations, and other standards related to information security, as well as contractual obligations with customers.

  2. We will establish clear criteria for analyzing and evaluating the risks of leakage, damage, loss, and other risks associated with information assets, as well as establish a systematic risk assessment method and conduct regular risk assessments. Based on the results, we will implement necessary and appropriate security measures.

  3. Establish an information security system centered on executive officers and clearly define authority and responsibility for information security. Also, all employees will be regularly educated, trained, and enlightened to ensure the proper handling of information assets.

  4. Regular inspections and audits are conducted on compliance with the information security policy and the handling of information assets, and prompt corrective measures are taken for any deficiencies or improvement items identified.

  5. In the event of information security events or incidents, appropriate measures will be taken and procedures to minimize damage will be established in case of their occurrence, and prompt response and appropriate corrective measures will be taken in case of emergencies. In particular, a framework for managing incidents that may cause business interruptions will be established, and regular review will be conducted to ensure the continuity of our business.

  6. Establish a Information Security Management System (ISMS), including cloud services, which sets goals to achieve the basic principles, and implement it, continuously reviewing and improving it.

Revised on June 12, 2022
Established on February 24, 2021
Rimo Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Naoyoshi Aikawa

    Information security policy | Rimo